Earnings DisClaimer

Earnings Disclaimer

Please be sure to read it carefully so you know exactly where you stand.

Note that individual results will vary and income results are not guaranteed with anything we share on this website teamgratitude.net

While we may endorse or promote a variety of individual testimonials and case studies to do with different products and services, this does not mean you will get the same results. There are those who will not earn any money or get any results at all with the training, tools, tips, and ideas we share because it all depends on your determination, hard work and ability to follow directions. Investing in any business, especially within the cryptocurrency and blockchain space is risky. It’s no different than investing in the stock market. As a business owner and/or entrepreneur, the understanding needs to be in place that you will take full responsibility for your results.

Team Gratitude may receive revenue through affiliate commissions for products and services they recommend as well as receiving rewards (in the form of HVT) for memberships purchased through HyperNation.

This is clearly stated and is also mentioned in the disclaimer on every live Team Gratitude call.