who the f**k are we?

watCh the video...

Wether you’ve just found our kick ass website by luck or some legend told you about us… Welcome! Check out the video to meet Danny, the ultimate ambassador for gratitude. He’ll explain who we are in a little more detail as well as showing you one of the greatest opportunities of our time, one that you have access to right now.

What we do.

impaCt lives


To lead and inspire people from all over the world to create lives of gratitude, abundance, and freedom by taking advantage of this exciting new world of blockchain technology all while having some fun while we do it.

Our purpose

impaCting lives on a global sCale

We are a group of positive, like-minded uplifting bad ass human beings from all corners of the Earth. We believe in educating ourselves and turning what we learn into action to impact people’s lives in a positive way.

We take ownership of our circumstances and our responsibility to create amazing lives for our families and our communities. We don’t get caught up in the negative bullshit “out there” and focus our energy on the things we can control to fulfill our mission on a global scale.

where do i start?

Reach out to whoever sent you to this website or join one of our calls accessed via the banner below. We run calls almost everyday at different times to try and accommodate all time zones. We hope to see you on a call real soon!